Street Sweeping & Dust Control
Street sweeping commences in May weather permitting. The Downtown core, main streets or "arterials" are completed first. Street sweeping priorities are based on the volumes of vehicle traffic on roadways where winter road sand may generate excessive dust.
The Spring Clean-up program ensures that sanding materials and other debris that accumulate on our roads and along major sidewalks and boulevards during the winter months are swept away in the spring. This helps to make the roads safer for all users, improves the appearance of city roads and helps to protect our environment.
Property owners are encouraged to sweep all debris that may be on the sidewalk that borders your property before the roads are swept by the street sweepers. Your cooperation in removing all vehicles from the street to enable the street sweepers to clean the entire street is greatly appreciated. By doing this we can avoid having those annoying missed spots in your neighborhood.
Help the District do a good job!
One of the main obstacles for equipment operators is parked vehicles and recreational vehicles. Once the street sweeping program starts, remove your vehicles from your street until the roads are swept and washed. That will allow the operators to do a much better job.